Gifts That Pay You Income

You can continue to help us form Christ-centered, resilient, and adaptive leaders while earning an income from your gift.

Support The Future of My Favorite Charity brochure cover
You can learn more about these special opportunities in our free brochure, Tax-Wise Ways to Make an Impact, and other complimentary planning resources. These resources are just a click away!

Charitable Gift Annuities

Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) offer a secure, fixed payment stream for yourself and/or a loved one for your lifetime(s). You will also receive tax benefits and the satisfaction of creating a lasting legacy through Wartburg Theological Seminary.

How it works:

  • You donate cash or appreciated securities to Wartburg. In return, you and/or another beneficiary will receive fixed payments for life.
  • Your payment rate is based on your age and will never change.
  • A portion of your payments will be tax-free.
  • The older you are — or the longer you defer starting your payment — the higher your payments will be.

Benefits to you include:

  • Lifetime payments that will never change.
  • Capital gains tax savings when you fund your CGA using appreciated stock.
  • You are eligible for an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
  • Your gift passes to Wartburg outside of the estate process.
  • You create your legacy of helping us to form valued leaders for the future of the church.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a tax-free trust that pays you and/or other beneficiaries an annual distribution. This payment is either a percentage of the annual value of the trust, or a percentage of the original gift amount.

How it works:

  • You transfer cash or an appreciated asset* into an irrevocable trust.
  • The trustee then sells the asset, paying no capital gains tax, and reinvests the proceeds.
  • For the rest of your life (or a term of years), you and/or another beneficiary receive payments from the trust.
  • After your lifetime, the remaining principal is used to support the mission of Wartburg.

Benefits to you include:

  • You receive income for life for you or your heirs.
  • You receive a charitable income tax credit for the charitable portion of the trust.
  • You create your legacy of ensuring a future where Wartburg graduates faithfully embody the story of Jesus Christ.

*While donating real estate is the most common way to fund a charitable trust, a wide variety of assets can be used, including cash, appreciated publicly traded or closely held stock, as well as oil, gas or mineral interests.

From a Supporter Like You

Influenced by Lutheran missionaries and supported by scholarships from Wartburg Theological Seminary, Winston Persaud was able to pursue his theological education despite financial constraints. Today, as a faculty member alongside his wife, he gives back to Wartburg Seminary out of gratitude for the formation he received, and in support of its mission to prepare servant leaders for the global church.

Our Team is Here to Help

Our experienced team is here to help you…

  • Learn about special projects that align with your interests.
  • Structure a donation that maximizes benefits for you and your loved ones.
  • Stay up to date on how your gift is used.
  • And more!